Name of the project : Construction of raw water and tailings pipeline for Ban Houayxai gold/silver mine project

Location : Ban Houayxai, Lao Pdr

Client : Phu Bia Mining Limited (Lao Pdr.) The subsidiary company of Pan-Aust (from Australia)

Contract value (Baht) :  USD 2,312,356.20 (about 70,500,000 Baht)

Duration : July 2011- October 2011

Scope of work :

–     All materials were supplied by the client.
–     Installation of 14” carbon steel raw water pipeline, total pipe length 2,300 m (aboveground). The pipeline was laid along mountains which are very steep down to water reservoir.
–     Installation of 16” carbon steel tailing pipeline, total pipe length 7,200 m (underground) The pipeline was laid along mountains which required nearly 400 field pipe bends. Soil condition was rock that needed to be blasted for very deep trench excavation.

Erection of 16” carbon steel tailing pipeline, total pipe length 7,200 m (underground)

Erection of 16” carbon steel tailing pipeline, total pipe length 7,200 m (underground)