Name of project :  Civil, piping and erection work for natural gas pipeline and metering station for RPCL project

Location :  PTT Area 5 and Rajburi Power Co., Ltd in Rajburi, Thailand

Owner : Rajburi Power Co., Ltd

Client : JFE Engineering and Construction Co., Ltd

Work description :

Civil work

–   Bore piling

–   Construction of control building, M/R shed, and chromatograph building

–   Construction of foundation for piperack and pipe supports

–   Road construction and drainage system

Mechanical Work

–   Fabrication and erection of aboveground piping work (10,000 DB at max. 36” pipe with xs schedule). The piping work had to be 100% RT.

–   Equipment installation (180 tons)

Painting work (sandblasting to top coat)

Contract value (Baht) :  48,500,000.-

Duration :  July 20, 2006 – May 29, 2007

Scope of work 

Civil work : Procurement and construction

Mechanical and painting work :

Piping materials were supplied by client.

: All painting materials were supplied by K Thai.

: Equipment was supplied by JFE.

Max. No. of workers : 90  people at peak period

Total man-hours : 120,000 man-hr

Installation of piping and equipment with construction of their foundations; control building and other civil work

Piping work and equipment installation of natural gas pipeline